Thursday, January 1, 2015

Drum Roll Please! Introducing the New Naiad Necklaces Box!

Well, it's done.  Sort of.  After many fits and starts I have a Naiad Necklaces box that I love.  Which is a good thing.  Each box takes about 5 hours to manufacture from soup to nuts and costs about as much as the boxes I'd hoped to import from China.  On the upside, I only need to make as many as I have necklaces on hand.  Had I imported, I would have needed to find space for at least 2,000 boxes.  The box innards still need to be modified for pendants, and I have a choker that really needs a square box.  And I need to design a box for earrings.  But other than that?  It's all good.  You can see the Youtube video of the concept to design process here:

I'd love your feedback, so please feel free to leave comments below.